President's Report for Trent Radio AGM 13Feb00 J. Grant Ball Well it has it has certainly proven to be a challenging year, but not one that has been without it's rewards. Among the many achievements realized over the course of this year, I was particularly pleased and excited to see Trent Radio reach it's goal of embracing digital technology with the implementation of an upgraded computer system that allows automated programming, as well as mp3 capabilities. It appears also that we are well on our way to obtaining web cast capabilities as donations for the necessary hardware are coming in even as we speak. I would like to thank all those individuals that have contributed their time and energy to make the 98/99 the success that it has been. Particularly Barb Bell, whose tireless fund raising efforts not only, yielded gains for the station, but also reinforced our sense of community spirit. As many of you know, this year I was very taxed for time with the responsibilities of self-employment. I would therefore like to offer a special thanks to our secretary Emily Addison for her tremendous help during this past year in taking on more than her share of the work load. I am confident that her creative energy and organisational abilities will benefit not only the Board but also Trent Radio as a whole. I look forward to continuing on with the Board in the coming year and to our departing members, thank you for the vision and personality that you brought to your respective committees. I wish you all well in your future pursuits.