Trent Radio BoD Meeting 22 March 2001 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING held at Trent Radio House, 715 George St. N., Peterborough, Ontario on 22 March 2001 at 8pm. P R E S E N T: Emily Addison, Glen Caradus, Al Kirkcaldy, Darryl Leroux, Reuben Maan, Neal Simard and Miriam Stucky. Also Present: John K. Muir, General Manager Notice of this meeting having been made to all the Directors, and all of the Directors being present in person, the meeting was declared duly constituted and called to order at 8:05 p.m., with Emily Addison acting as Chair and Secretary. The minutes of the previous board meeting were presented. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, the minutes of the previous Board of Directors' meeting, held on 25 February 2001, were approved unanimously. Chair's Opening Remarks: Greg Conchelos was thanked for organising a wonderful Trent Radio social at the Peterborough Arms, held on 15 March 2001. It was noted that Emily Addison, Greg Brophy, Paul Cleveland, John K. Muir, Nick Sawatzky and Barb Woolner organised an Occupation Broadcast during the early morning hours of 28 February 2001. It was also noted that letters were sent to both Barb Bell and Barb Holtmann to thank them for their organisation of the Radio Marathon held in December 2000. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Publicity: Reuben Maan presented a verbal report which included the presentation of the new and excellent "Trout Rodeo". Reuben, Miriam Stucky and John Hennessey were all thanked for their hard work put into creating the newsletter. A request for "pdf" files of the newsletter pages was made in order to publish "Trout Rodeo" on the Web. The increased content of the current issue was a welcome enhancement and should serve as a guide for future publications. An on-air PSA was discussed as being one way in which future submissions could be solicited. Sponsorship and Earned Revenue: Al Kirkcaldy presented his report (see attached). Ways and Means: Emily Addison presented her report (see attached). UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried, the committee reports were accepted. OPERATIONS REPORT: The General Manager presented the financial statements prepared by the Bookkeeper for the period ending 28 February 2001. The General Manager's report was presented (see attached). The transmitter has been fixed, with the original problem being corrected. Both John Muir and John Matthews were gratefully thanked (and congratulated!) for repairing the transmitter. It was noted that Trent Radio is in a much better financial situation at the end of the first six months of the fiscal year than at the same time during the previous fiscal year. The HRDC grant for summer job funding will be completed and submitted by the end of March. The President and the General Manager may arrange to meet with the local MP concerning their grant. Hiring will occur in April. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, the Operations report, including the financial statements and the General Manager's report, was approved. Director availability was discussed. Two Board members may not be returning after the summer. It was decided that vacancies on the Board will be dealt with as they arise. Glen Caradus left at this time due to prior engagements. Trent Radio's position on the evolving changes at Trent University was discussed. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, it was resolved that; Whereas the support of the Peterborough and area community is the life blood of Trent University; and, Whereas Trent University grew out of the sweat of the Peterborough community, and, Whereas Trent Radio supports community accountability, Trent Radio continues to encourage the Trent University Board of Governors and its staff to reconsider their approach to decision making, in the light of their responsibilities to the wider Peterborough community and Trent University's tradition of a downtown presence. The next board meeting will be held Thursday 26 April 2001, 8pm at Trent Radio house. There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned. _____________________________ _____________________________ Emily Addison, President Neal Simard, Secretary