Trent Radio BoD Meeting Sunday, 30 September 2001 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING held at 715 George Street North, Peterborough, Ontario on 30 September 2001, at 1:00 p.m. P R E S E N T: Emily Addison, Glen Caradus, Al Kirkcaldy, Nammi Poorooshasb, Neal Simard, and Miriam Stucky. R E G R E T S: Nick Currie. Also Present: John Muir - General Manager, and Barb Woolner - Programme Director. Notice of this meeting having been made to all the Directors, and a quorum of Directors being present, the meeting was declared duly constituted and called to order at 1:00 p.m. with Emily Addison acting as Chair and Neal Simard as acting as Secretary. The President welcomed Nick Currie and Nammi Poorooshasb to the Board. The minutes of the previous Board Meeting held on 27 August 2001 were presented. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried, the minutes of the previous Board Directors Meeting, held 27 August 2001, were approved. The Chair brought forward the issue of the upcoming Annual General Meeting on Sunday, 25 November 2001. Discussion followed. A Nominating Committee was struck of Emily Addison and Neal Simard and the Programme Director. Current Directors were informed that if they wished to return to the Board in the succeeding year, that they should make their intent known to the Chair by Friday, 05 October 2001. The meeting time and place of the Nominating Committee was to be confirmed by the Chair by Tuesday, 02 October 2001. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Physical Plant and Technical: Glen Caradus was commended on the damn fine appearance of the grounds - especially the sunflowers! It was also mentioned that there was a new mailbox at Trent Radio thanks to the General Manager and Terry Ethridge. Sponsorship and Earned Revenue: Al Kirkcaldy noted that Wayne's Music was contributing $250 cash plus five equipment rentals in return for a three season sponsorship. Wild Rock's initial response to sponsorship seemed positive and will be pursued. (See Sponsorship Info for BoD 30Sep01). Many of the previous years sponsors renewed this year. Studio C: Miriam Stucky presented the Studio C report and described how a committee was struck for the purposes of developing the Studio C as both an idea and a fully realized project. (See Studio C Steering Committee Minutes 18Sep01). This was recognized as a work in progress, with a suggested timeline beginning next fall and entailing three years of work. A Trillium Foundation funding proposal is being prepared and will be brought before the BoD before submission. The next Studio C Steering Committee Meeting will be held Monday, 15 Oct 01 (See Studio C Steering Committee Agenda). If there are any further questions feel free to contact Miriam Stucky. BUSINESS ARISING: Sue Newman agreed to be the bookkeeper for Trent Radio and had completed the monthly statements up until the end of August 2001. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried, Sue Newman was appointed official Bookkeeper for Trent Radio and will be paid $15/hour. It was noted that it is anticipated that this work will take 2 - 3 hours per month. The financial statement is almost ready for review, except for one report from Trent University. The statement is ahead of schedule and more complete than at this time last year. New chairs have not been purchased, but some have been donated. Purchasing will be looked into for next meeting. OPERATIONS REPORT: John Muir presented the Operations report. Financial Statements to 31 Aug 2001 were presented. In regards to the Comparative Balance Sheet, it was noted that long-term liability had decreased significantly (good-bye mortgage!), fixed assets have increased, and the year-to-year cash difference reflected an advance from Trent University. In regards to the Comparative Income Statement, it was noted that the General Manager would follow up on potential inaccurate student enrolment numbers from previous years. One of the years' largest expenses was the repair of the transmitter under 'Technical R&M'. However, it was noted that the financial soundness of the station was reflected by its ability to absorb such a 'hit'. Barb Woolner presented the Programme Director's report. The Fall Season is scheduled to start after Thanksgiving, Tuesday, 09 October 2001. There were initial concerns about the Fall Season as many seasoned programmers had moved away, but others are rising in their places and flourishing. It was also noted that many of the OSWP positions have been filled. The General Manager presented notes to accompany the Operations Report. The challenge to the Official Plan Amendment (OPA111) redesignating the properties in the neighbourhood of Trent Radio continues. The General Manager attended a meeting of the City Planning Committee on 24 September 2001 and will continue to attend meetings are represent Trent Radio, including the upcoming meeting on 01 October 2001. The next Operations Report will feature a presentation of a budget for the current fiscal year. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, the Operations Report including the Financial Statements to 31 August 2001, subject to adjustment and financial review, the Programme Director's report, and the General Manager's report were approved. Any Other Business: The General Manager is awaiting the TCSA to begin convening meetings regarding the Levy Reporting Policy for the fall. The letter of thanks was passed onto Kristine Williams for her work as the Summer Programme Coordinator this passed summer. It was noted that the TCSA may organize an upcoming Peace Week in the last week of November and Trent Radio might consider the manner in which it can become involved. It was noted that the next Board Meeting will be Wednesday, 17 October 2001 at 7 p.m. and that Emily Addison would have to join via telephone from Kingston. The AGM is scheduled for Sunday, 25 November 2001 at 2 p.m. with a Board Meeting at noon prior to the AGM, and another Board Meeting directly after the AGM. There being no further business, the Meeting was adjourned at 2:50 p.m. Emily Addison - President Neal Simard - Secretary