Trent Radio AGM 25 Nov 2001 "Studio C" Project; Miriam Stucky Project Coordinator Trent Radio has one small studio for on-air broadcasting (Studio A), and one for production (Studio B). Neither studio can accommodate any more than three people at once, which severely limits our capacity to support live music, round table discussions, radio drama or other forms of community expression requiring groups of more than three people. In September of 2001, a Committee was struck to discuss the possibility of reclaiming the room currently housing Trent Radio's archive to serve as a large on-air and production studio. The committee envisions digitizing the archive materials, and making them available via a server (computer). The working name for the new physical and virtual archive spaces to be created will create is Studio C. The members of this committee are Mithra Dubey, Miriam Stucky, Candace Shaw, Michael Waterman, Gil Wright, John Muir, and myself, acting as Committee Chair and Coordinator. These people represent different facets of the Trent Radio community, and bring a wealth of experience to bear on the subject of developing "Studio C". The Committee has met three times, with semi-formal reports to the Board following each meeting. The Committee is currently working on an application to the Trillium Foundation for approximately $67,000, to digitize the archive, and then to equip studio C as a broadcasting and post production studio. To this end, the Committee has developed a working mandate of suggested usages for the new space. John Muir is in the process of drawing up a budget for the entire project, and John, Mithra, and Miriam will workout a timetable (work plan) as to what it would take to digitize the archive, and get Studio C up and running, before the end of the year (2001). The Committee anticipates the need for a new front-line staff person to maintain and develop the operations of the studios. We are looking in to how to fund this position. Currently, HRDC is the most likely source, either through the local Job Connect program, or through the National Office of Learning Technologies branch. The Committee will meet next on Dec 17. Any questions about Studio C can be directed to Miriam Stucky 740-9624,, or to John Muir, at Trent Radio.