Trent Radio BoD Meeting 25 November 2001 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING held at the 'Squash Court' Junior Common Room, Peter Robinson College, Trent University, George St N, Peterborough, Ontario on 25 November 2001, 4:00 pm. P R E S E N T: Emily Addison, Laura Farina, Kim Fielding, Al Kirkcaldy, Anne Stevenson, Ellen Waterman, Ryder Ziola. Also Present: John K. Muir, General Manager Notice of this meeting having been made to all the Directors at the Annual General Meeting just prior, and through the Notice of Annual General Meeting, and all of the Directors being present in person, the meeting was declared duly constituted and called to order at 4:00 p.m. with Emily Addison acting as Chair and Secretary. Emily Addison was appointed interim President and Chair until the next meeting. It was decided that Ellen Waterman and the General Manager would be interim signing officers until the next meeting. It was noted that Miriam Stucky being a signing officer of record with the Bank will continue to co-sign Bank cheques until new signing officers are registered at the Bank, subsequent to the next Board meeting. It was requested that one or two paragraph biography from each Director be sent to the General Manager. It was noted that Directors might reflect on the reports given at the AGM and think of appropriate committees that they would be interested chairing for this next year's Board term. It was decided that the next Board meeting would be held at Trent Radio House 14 December 2001 at 7:30 pm. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. _________________________ __________________________ Emily Addison, President A N Other Director