Trent Radio BoD Meeting 19 June 2002 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING held at Trent Radio House, 715 George St. N., Peterborough, Ontario on 19 June 2002 at 7:00pm. P R E S E N T: Emily Addison, Laura Farina & Al Kirkcaldy. R E G R E T S: Kim Fielding, Anne Stevenson, Ellen Waterman & Ryder Ziola. Also Present: Nick Iszakovits, Summer Programme Coordinator and John K. Muir, General Manager. Notice of this meeting having been made to all the Directors, but a quorum of Directors not being present, the meeting was called to order and declared not duly constituted 7:05 p.m., with Emily Addison acting as Chair and Secretary. It was noted that the minutes of this meeting and any motions made thereat would be put before the Board at its meeting to regularise any business conducted at this meeting. The minutes of the previous Board meeting, held on 21 April 2002, were presented. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, the minutes of the previous Board of Directors' meeting, held on 21 April 2002, were approved unanimously. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Publicity: In the absence of Ellen Waterman, the Directors read her report. (see attached). Ellen was thanked for all of her contributions to the Board and her resignation was accepted with regret with good luck for her new position at the University of Guelph. It was noted that the Board will look for a candidate to fill the position of Director. Sponsorship and Earned Revenue: Al Kirkcaldy presented his report (see attached). Social Convenor: Laura Farina thanked Barb Woolner, Emily Addison and Nick Iszakovits for their involvement with what was a very successful graduation broadcast on 31 May 2002. It was noted that although there weren't visitors to the station, that talk around town was heard Saturday with people mentioning the broadcast. Well done! Business Arising: The president noted that a submission was given to the yearbook committee including both photographs and written commentary. The General Manager noted that the Introweek guide submission was complete. CSIRP has requested that Trent Radio prepare six technical articles at $100 each. Trent Radio hopes that this will be a fundraising project. OPERATIONS REPORT: The Summer Programme Coordinator presented his report (see attached). It was noted, that the Summer Programme Coordinator believed Trent Radio to be in compliance with their CRTC broadcast licence. The General Manager presented the Financial Statements prepared by the Bookkeeper for the period ending 30 April 2002. It was noted that the Bookkeeper had previously said that the month end of May would be the only month that she could not do due to other commitments. The General Manager presented his report (see attached). UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, the Operations report, including the Summer Programme Coordinator's report, the Financial Statements, and the General Manager's report, was approved unanimously. The next Board meeting will be held between 27 August 2002, with possible location of Irondale. It was noted that Emily Addison, would fill-in as a member of the General Manager's Contract Committee as Ellen Waterman has resigned from the Board, and will be leaving town soon.. There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned. __________________________ _____________________________ Emily Addison, President A. N. Other, Board Member like who was there, eh?