Trent Radio BoD Meeting Sunday, 30 September 2001 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING held at 715 George Street North, Peterborough, Ontario on 30 September 2001, at 1:00 p.m. P R E S E N T: Emily Addison, Glen Caradus, Al Kirkcaldy, Nammi Poorooshasb, Neal Simard, and Miriam Stucky. R E G R E T S: Nick Currie. Also Present: John Muir - General Manager, and Barb Woolner - Programme Director. Notice of this meeting having been made to all the Directors, and a quorum of Directors being present, the meeting was declared duly constituted and called to order at 1:00 p.m. with Emily Addison acting as Chair and Neal Simard as acting as Secretary. The President welcomed Nick Currie and Nammi Poorooshasb to the Board. The minutes of the previous Board Meeting held on 27 August 2001 were presented. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried, the minutes of the previous Board Directors Meeting, held 27 August 2001, were approved. The Chair brought forward the issue of the upcoming Annual General Meeting on Sunday, 25 November 2001. Discussion followed. A Nominating Committee was struck of Emily Addison and Neal Simard and the Programme Director. Current Directors were informed that if they wished to return to the Board in the succeeding year, that they should make their intent known to the Chair by Friday, 05 October 2001. The meeting time and place of the Nominating Committee was to be confirmed by the Chair by Tuesday, 02 October 2001. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Physical Plant and Technical: Glen Caradus was commended on the damn fine appearance of the grounds - especially the sunflowers! It was also mentioned that there was a new mailbox at Trent Radio thanks to the General Manager and Terry Ethridge. Sponsorship and Earned Revenue: Al Kirkcaldy noted that Wayne's Music was contributing $250 cash plus five equipment rentals in return for a three season sponsorship. Wild Rock's initial response to sponsorship seemed positive and will be pursued. (See Sponsorship Info for BoD 30Sep01). Many of the previous years sponsors renewed this year. Studio C: Miriam Stucky presented the Studio C report and described how a committee was struck for the purposes of developing the Studio C as both an idea and a fully realized project. (See Studio C Steering Committee Minutes 18Sep01). This was recognized as a work in progress, with a suggested timeline beginning next fall and entailing three years of work. A Trillium Foundation funding proposal is being prepared and will be brought before the BoD before submission. The next Studio C Steering Committee Meeting will be held Monday, 15 Oct 01 (See Studio C Steering Committee Agenda). If there are any further questions feel free to contact Miriam Stucky. BUSINESS ARISING: Sue Newman agreed to be the bookkeeper for Trent Radio and had completed the monthly statements up until the end of August 2001. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried, Sue Newman was appointed official Bookkeeper for Trent Radio and will be paid $15/hour. It was noted that it is anticipated that this work will take 2 - 3 hours per month. The financial statement is almost ready for review, except for one report from Trent University. The statement is ahead of schedule and more complete than at this time last year. New chairs have not been purchased, but some have been donated. Purchasing will be looked into for next meeting. OPERATIONS REPORT: John Muir presented the Operations report. Financial Statements to 31 Aug 2001 were presented. In regards to the Comparative Balance Sheet, it was noted that long-term liability had decreased significantly (good-bye mortgage!), fixed assets have increased, and the year-to-year cash difference reflected an advance from Trent University. In regards to the Comparative Income Statement, it was noted that the General Manager would follow up on potential inaccurate student enrolment numbers from previous years. One of the years' largest expenses was the repair of the transmitter under 'Technical R&M'. However, it was noted that the financial soundness of the station was reflected by its ability to absorb such a 'hit'. Barb Woolner presented the Programme Director's report. The Fall Season is scheduled to start after Thanksgiving, Tuesday, 09 October 2001. There were initial concerns about the Fall Season as many seasoned programmers had moved away, but others are rising in their places and flourishing. It was also noted that many of the OSWP positions have been filled. The General Manager presented notes to accompany the Operations Report. The challenge to the Official Plan Amendment (OPA111) redesignating the properties in the neighbourhood of Trent Radio continues. The General Manager attended a meeting of the City Planning Committee on 24 September 2001 and will continue to attend meetings are represent Trent Radio, including the upcoming meeting on 01 October 2001. The next Operations Report will feature a presentation of a budget for the current fiscal year. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, the Operations Report including the Financial Statements to 31 August 2001, subject to adjustment and financial review, the Programme Director's report, and the General Manager's report were approved. Any Other Business: The General Manager is awaiting the TCSA to begin convening meetings regarding the Levy Reporting Policy for the fall. The letter of thanks was passed onto Kristine Williams for her work as the Summer Programme Coordinator this passed summer. It was noted that the TCSA may organize an upcoming Peace Week in the last week of November and Trent Radio might consider the manner in which it can become involved. It was noted that the next Board Meeting will be Wednesday, 17 October 2001 at 7 p.m. and that Emily Addison would have to join via telephone from Kingston. The AGM is scheduled for Sunday, 25 November 2001 at 2 p.m. with a Board Meeting at noon prior to the AGM, and another Board Meeting directly after the AGM. There being no further business, the Meeting was adjourned at 2:50 p.m. Emily Addison - President Neal Simard - Secretary --- Trent Radio BoD Meeting Wednesday, 17 October 2001 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS METING held at 715 George St. N. Peterborough, Ontario on 17th October 2001 at 7pm P R E S E N T : Al Kirkcaldy, Nammi Poorooshasb, Neal Simard, Miriam Stucky, Nick Currie and Emily Addison (via telephone) R E G R E T S: Glen Caradus Also Present: John Muir - General Manager Notice of this meeting having been made to all the Directors, and a quorum of Directors being present, the meeting was declared duly constituted and called to order at 7:10pm with Emily Addison acting as Chair and Neal Simard acting as Secretary. The President wished she could be there in person rather than as a disembodied microphone topped by a black, plastic goat. Welcome was also extended to Nick Currie on his first actual meeting. The minutes of the previous Board Meeting held Sunday, September 30, 2001 were presented. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried, the minutes of the previous Board of Directors Meeting held Sunday, September 30, 2001, were approved. Nominating Committee Report: The committee met on Wednesday, September, 10th at 6pm and drafted a nominee candidate list to be contacted. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, the Nominating Committee was entrusted with the completion of the Board candidate list and the posting of this list two weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting. There were no Board reports. Business Arising: The Financial Review is underway and will be made available for the November 25th BoD meeting before the AGM. The General Manager and Bookkeeper were thanked for their efforts in preparing the papers for the financial review earlier than usual this year. It was noted that Don Jackett, the auditor, has been reviewing Trent Radio's books since 1984, before the building was owned. Operations Report: The unreviewed financial statements to 30th Sep.2001 were presented (see attached). General Manager's Report: It was noted that the General Manager would be away for three weeks on holiday (which he hasn't taken in years!!!). His presence was requested in Sackville, NB at the Mount Allison campus station due to his expertise in managing a radio station as well as technical operations. He will report back at the next meeting. Board Members were invited to attend the next OMB hearing on October 25 to provide Trent Radio representation. It was considered whether legal representation might be hired to represent Trent Radio's interest. Miriam Stucky volunteered to petition The Arthur to write an article on the issue. The VCR logger was repaired and it was noted that the computer logger worked in the interim. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried, the Operations Report including the Financial Statements to 30 Sept 2001, subject to financial review, and the General Manager's Report were approved. It was noted that the next BoD Meeting will be held Sunday, November 25th, 2001 at 12pm at Trent Radio just prior to the Annual General Meeting. Year-end committee reports will be due at a prior date to be set by the President. The AGM will follow at 2pm in the Peter Robinson Squash Court / Common Room. Other Business: Miriam Stucky noted that the Studio C Committee met Monday, October 15th and is continuing to pursue funding from The Trillium Foundation and HRDC. It was indicated that a report would be made at the next Board Meeting and if there were any further inquiries to speak with Miriam. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50pm. _______________________ ______________________ Emily Addison - President Neal Simard - Secretary --- Trent Radio BoD Meeting Sunday, 25 November 2001 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING held at Trent Radio House, Peterborough, Ontario on 25 November 2001 at 12pm. P R E S E N T: Neal Simard, Emily Addison, Miriam Stucky, Al Kirkcaldy, Glen Caradus, and Nick Currie R E G R E T S: Nammi Poorooshasb Also Present: John K Muir Notice of this meeting having been made to all Directors, and a quorum of Directors being present in person, the meeting was declared duly constituted and called to order at 12pm with Emily Addison acting as Chair and Neal Simard acting as Secretary. The minutes of the previous Board Meeting held 17 October 2001 were presented. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried the minutes of the previous Board Meeting held 17 October 2001 were approved. Presentation and review of the Annual Report for one year ended 31 August 2001. A note of thanks was made to John and Joan Reeves for pursuing concerns paralleling those of Trent Radio's at the Ontario Municipal Board hearing to redesignate the Peter Robinson and Trail College properties during the General Manager's trip to CHMA (Mount Allison) Sackville, NB. The financial review prepared by McColl Turner Chartered Accountants for the year ended 31 August 2001 was presented. Discussion followed. It was noted that Don Jacket from McColl Turner Chartered Accountants shared similar comments from his previous year's conversation. He was impressed with the organisation'ss position but thought it time to begin paying off the contract obligation now that the loan and mortgage payments are completed. Report of the Nominating Committee: As provided by the By Laws of Trent Radio, the Nominating Committee shall submit nominations to fill vacancies of the Board for consideration by the membership at the Annual General Meeting slated for later in the day. The Nominees are; Emily Addison, Laura Farina, Kim Fielding Al Kirkcaldy, Anne Stevenson, Ellen Waterman, and Ryder Ziola. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried The Annual Report, Financial Review and report of the Nominating Committee were approved. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried The Financial Statements ending 31 October 2001 were approved. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 12:50 pm. --------------------------- ------------------------ Emily Addison - President Neal Simard - Secretary --- Trent Radio BoD Meeting 25 November 2001 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING held at the 'Squash Court' Junior Common Room, Peter Robinson College, Trent University, George St N, Peterborough, Ontario on 25 November 2001, 4:00 pm. P R E S E N T: Emily Addison, Laura Farina, Kim Fielding, Al Kirkcaldy, Anne Stevenson, Ellen Waterman, Ryder Ziola. Also Present: John K. Muir, General Manager Notice of this meeting having been made to all the Directors at the Annual General Meeting just prior, and through the Notice of Annual General Meeting, and all of the Directors being present in person, the meeting was declared duly constituted and called to order at 4:00 p.m. with Emily Addison acting as Chair and Secretary. Emily Addison was appointed interim President and Chair until the next meeting. It was decided that Ellen Waterman and the General Manager would be interim signing officers until the next meeting. It was noted that Miriam Stucky being a signing officer of record with the Bank will continue to co-sign Bank cheques until new signing officers are registered at the Bank, subsequent to the next Board meeting. It was requested that one or two paragraph biography from each Director be sent to the General Manager. It was noted that Directors might reflect on the reports given at the AGM and think of appropriate committees that they would be interested chairing for this next year's Board term. It was decided that the next Board meeting would be held at Trent Radio House 14 December 2001 at 7:30 pm. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. _________________________ __________________________ Emily Addison, President A N Other Director --- Trent Radio BoD Meeting 14 December 2001 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING held at Trent Radio House, 715 George Street North, Peterborough, Ontario on 15 December 2001 at 5pm. P R E S E N T: Emily Addison, Laura Farina, Kim Fielding, Al Kirkcaldy, Anne Stevenson, Ellen Waterman, Ryder Ziola. Also Present: John K. Muir, General Manager Notice of this meeting having been made to all the Directors and all of the Directors being present in person, the meeting was declared duly constituted and called to order at 5:10 pm with Emily Addison acting as Chair and Secretary. The minutes of the previous two Board Meetings held 25 November 2001 were presented. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried, the minutes of the two previous Board Meetings held 25 November 2001 were approved unanimously. The General Manager requested that Board Members who had not yet submitted their paragraph long bio do so in the next week or two. The General Manager provided a brief orientation as to the orientation binder kits that the Board Members received, making reference to various documents contained therein. It was decided that a more detailed orientation would be provided at a later date in regards to matters such as financial statements. Appointment and Confirmation of Officers. Explanation, discussion and nominations ensued. UPON SEVERAL MOTIONS duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, it was resolved that; Emily Addison be appointed Chair and President, Ryder Ziola be appointed Vice-Chair and Anne Stevenson be appointed as Secretary. UPON A MOTION duly made seconded and carried unanimously, it was resolved that, John K. Muir be confirmed as General Manager and Vice-President and that Sue Newman be confirmed as the Bookkeeper. Discussion followed regarding committee work and appointing chairs. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, it was resolved that; Anne Stevenson be appointed as chair of Physical Plant and Technical, Ellen Waterman be appointed as chair of Publicity (Trout Rodeo), Al Kirkcaldy be appointed as chair of Sponsorship and Earned Revenue, Ryder Ziola be appointed as chair of Board Development, Laura Farina be appointed as chair of Social Convener, Kim Fielding be appointed as chair of Live Music/Fundraising, Emily Addison be appointed as chair of Trent University Relations. After discussion, it was decided that the best regular meeting time would be the third Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm with possible changes due to other commitments. The next meeting will be January 23 2001 at 6:30 p.m, at Trent Radio House. The next AGM will be held on Sunday, 24 November 2002 at 2 pm. Operations Report The General Manager presented the financial statements prepared by the Bookkeeper for the period ending 20 November 2001. It was also noted that Trent Radio had purchased two used 17" computer monitors. UPON A MOTION duly made seconded and carried unanimously, the Operations report, including the financial statements and the General Manager's report, was approved. There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned. ______________________________ ________________________________ Emily Addison, President Anne Stevenson, Secretary --- Trent Radio BoD Meeting 23 January 2002 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING held at Trent Radio House, 715 George St. N., Peterborough, Ontario on 23 January 2002 at 6:30 p.m. P R E S E N T: Emily Addison, Kim Fielding, Al Kirkcaldy, Anne Stevenson, Ellen Waterman, and Ryder Ziola. R E G R E T S: Laura Farina Also Present: John K. Muir, General Manager Notice of this meeting having been made to all the Directors, the meeting was declared duly constituted and called to order at 6:35 p.m., with Emily Addison acting as Chair and Anne Stevenson acting as Secretary. Chair's Opening Remarks: The Chair noted the great success of the Mortgage Burning party, held after the last Board meeting on 14 December 2002. Guests included founding Trent President Tom Symons and his wife Christine and local MP Peter Adams among many other volunteers and friends of Trent Radio. Thanks was extended to Barb Woolner & Dave Parsons for there fire building skills and to Kim Fielding for the wonderful mortgage effigy. It was also noted that an article had appeared in the most recent Arthur by Emily Addison relating to the mortgage burning event. The minutes of the previous board meeting were presented. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, the minutes of the previous Board of Directors' meeting, held on 14 December 2001, were approved unanimously. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Trent University Relations: Emily Addison noted that she and the General Manager would be contacting Trent University and the TCSA in the next few months regarding finances and reporting policy. Live Music/Fundraising: Kim Fielding presented a verbal report which stated that plans for the Live Music Day are coming along and that the bake sale would occur at a later time. Board Development: Ryder Ziola and John Muir decided that they would get together and talk soon. Sponsorship and Earned Revenue: Al Kirkcaldy presented a verbal report which stated that Bryston had renewed for another year and that other alternatives were being looked at including the renewal of Subway as well as a new sponsorship from Kawartha Lakes Brewery. Publicity (Trout Rodeo): Ellen Waterman is looking to publish a Trout Rodeo by sometime in March. She would like bios of the Board members from the General Manager. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried, the committee reports were accepted. Business Arising: It was noted that Anne Stevenson and Ryder Ziola would go to the bank with the General Manager to change signing officers. It was noted that a letter thanking John and Joan Reeves will be prepared by the President. It was noted that a 'study package' for the Secretary is being prepared for future reference. This should be available in the next month. OPERATIONS REPORT: The General Manager presented the financial statements prepared by the Bookkeeper for the period ending 31 December 2001. The General Manager's report was presented in both written and verbal form (see attached). Transmitter problems continue. Various problems have been occurring for over a year. No clear solution found despite much effort of the part of the General Manager. It was noted that most recently, the General Manager and Paul Cleveland had spent much of a day testing the transmitter and that a final solution is hopefully coming shortly. The studio A computer was reconstructed by the General Manager over a whole night relating to the 'Echo' project. Thanks were given to Al Kirkcaldy for running a smooth Entra-season and looking after the brokered programming while the General Manager was away. A weekend audio workshop will be occurring at Trent Radio February 16-17 with participants from Trent Radio and elsewhere. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, the Operations report, including the financial statements and the General Manager's report, was approved. The next Board meeting will be held Wednesday 20 February at 630pm at Trent Radio house. There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned. __________________________ _____________________________ Emily Addison, President Anne Stevenson, Secretary --- Trent Radio BoD Meeting 20 February 2002 MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING held at Trent Radio House, 715 George St. N., Peterborough, Ontario on 20 February 2002 at 6:30pm. P R E S E N T: Emily Addison, Kim Fielding, Anne Stevenson, Ellen Waterman, and Ryder Ziola. R E G R E T S: Laura Farina and Al Kirkcaldy Also present: John K. Muir, General Manager Notice of this meeting having been made to all Directors, and a quorum of Directors being present in person or by telephone, the meeting was declared duly constituted at 7:05 pm, with Emily Addison acting as Chair and Anne Stevenson acting as Secretary. Chair's Opening Remarks: The Chair expressed concern about the difficulty with telephone meetings and her being 'out-of-town'. Consideration was given toward to possibility of changing the date for the next meeting to coordinate dates with when the Chair will be in Peterborough. Congratulations were given for the overwhelming success of both Live Radio Day and Audio Soup. Thanks to all involved! The minutes of the previous meeting were presented. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, the minutes of the previous Board of Directors' meeting, held on 23 January 2002, were approved unanimously with the amendment under the Operations Report for the date of AudioSoup; the dates 15 &16 February were changed to 16 &17 February 2002 COMMITTEE REPORTS: Physical Plant and Technical: Anne Stevenson reiterated her desires to spruce up the back porch of Trent Radio House. 27 February 2002 was set as the date for the General Manager's guided tour of the facilities so that Anne could familiarise herself with the Trent Radio's physical plant and technical resources. Publicity: Ellen Waterman expressed her eagerness to complete this year's edition of Trout Rodeo. She requested that articles be e-mailed to her by Mach 9th and solicited an AudioSoup write up for the newsletter. It was also noted that Board Member bios were ready for publication. Sponsorship and Earned Revenue: Al Kirkcaldy submitted a written report (see attached). Board Development: Ryder Ziola explained that he and the General Manager would meet on 27 February 2002 to finalise plans for an upcoming workshop. Live Music and Fundraising: Congratulations were given for a Live Radio Day well done. Many thanks were again given to those who committed their time including all of Ellen's class, Kim Fielding, Barb Woolner, John Muir, and the performers. Trent University Relations: Emily Addison presented a verbal report to accompany her written one (see attached). Information concerning student enrolment at Trent was brought to light (4044 students reported by McLean's in 2001). It was noted that the Moloney brothers, new owners of PR townhouses, intend to use the facilities for student housing. The General Manager and Emily Addison have renewed their efforts to investigate finances with Trent University. It was noted that the committee will change its title to "Trent University and Neighbourhood Relations." UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, the Committee reports were accepted. BUSINESS ARISING It was noted that all necessary signatures have been registered at the Bank of Montreal. It was noted that the Secretary's position outline has been completed by Emily Addison and John Muir. It will become a reference for the future to give guidance as to the role of Secretary. It was noted that Trent declared 4044 full time students enrolled for the McLean's magazine survey. It was noted that past-Trent Radio president Andrew Cousins celebrated the opening of his new brewing facilities for Kawartha Lakes Brewery with a successful open house. It was also noted that past-Trent Radio president Scott Gordon visited Trent Radio while attending a job interview in the area. OPERATIONS REPORT: The General Manager presented the financial statements prepared by the Bookkeeper for the period ending 31 January 2002. The General Manager's report was presented in both written and oral form (see attached). As well as the written report, it was noted that there is a 'quite happy alliance' between the CU346 class and Trent Radio and there are hopes that this will continue. It was noted that the final meeting regarding the creation of Studio C will take place on 11 March 2002. It was also noted that a questionnaire has been developed for Operators to use in canvassing programmers in order to gain a better sense of what programmers would like to see Studio C become. The General Manager communicated his satisfaction with the AudioSoup weekend workshop, expressing his thanks to all involved. A special thanks was given to Paul Cleveland for an exceptional workshop. As well as the benefits noted in the written report, it was noted that benefits of the weekend included the fact that many Trent Radio programmers had the opportunity to gain much knowledge and work with individuals from a variety of backgrounds. It is important to note that since it is the first time offering this kind of workshop at Trent Radio that the planning took the General Manager much of a month. It is also important to note that further collaborations with and CSIRP and its Executive Director, Victoria Fenner are welcomed, as this was a project that involved many benefits for Trent Radio including that of the growth of the organisation. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, the Operations report, including the financial statements and the General Manager's report, were accepted unanimously. OTHER BUSINESS: It was noted that two Radio Project Days, Women's Day and Geek Day, were upcoming. The next meeting will be held Wednesday, 20 March 2002, although it was noted that this date is tentative, pending on the Chair's presence in Peterborough. There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned. ________________________ ____________________________ Emily Addison, Chair Anne Stevenson, Secretary --- Trent Radio BoD Meeting 13 March 2002 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING held at Trent Radio House, 715 George St. N., Peterborough, Ontario on 13 March 2002 at 6:45pm. P R E S E N T: Emily Addison, Laura Farina, Al Kirkaldy, Anne Stevenson, Ellen Waterman, & Ryder Ziola. R E G R E T S: Kim Fielding Also Present: John K. Muir, General Manager Notice of this meeting having been made to all the Directors, and all of the Directors being present in person, the meeting was declared duly constituted and called to order at 7:00 p.m., with Emily Addison acting as Chair and Anne Stevenson acting as Secretary. The minutes of the previous Board meeting were presented. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, the minutes of the previous Board of Directors' meeting, held on 20 February 2002, were approved unanimously with a correction of a typographical error. Chair's Opening Remarks: The chair had no opening remarks. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Physical Plant and Technical Resources: Anne Stevenson has set the building survey to take place between March 22-24. It was noted that a tour of the entire facilities, including the transmitter, had been given to her as well as Ryder Ziola by the General Manager. Publicity: Ellen Waterman plans to solicit articles for the upcoming Trout Rodeo. A suggestion was made that the newsletter become a "Year in Review". The Chair's previous helpful suggestions were also noted. The goal is for Trout Rodeo to be published by April 12th. Sponsorship and Earned Revenue: Al Kirkcaldy presented his report (see attached). Board Development: It was noted that Ryder Ziola had successfully alerted all committee members to the Board development session, which would be taking place following the evening's Board meeting. Social Convener: Laura Farina discussed plans for the up and coming Trent Radio bowling night. A tentative date of 6 April 2002 was set. The GM commented on the possibility of an open house for Graduation to be held most likely on 31 May 2002. Trent University and Neighbourhood Relations: There was no report. Studio C: John Muir noted that the Committee proposal was forthcoming. Technical details surrounding the project were discussed. Funding issues, including the expected increase in funding to accompany the double cohort as well as the ever-increasing utility costs were discussed. The financial plan and timeline submissions were examined by the Board. Kudos were offered to Miriam Stucky on a job very well done on the Studio C proposal. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, it was resolved that a final proofread draft would be e-mailed to all Board members for their consideration. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried, the committee reports were accepted. OPERATIONS REPORT: The General Manager presented the financial statements prepared by the Bookkeeper for the period ending 28 February 2002. The General Manager's report was presented (See agenda item.). It was also noted that the charitable organisation return of information and the Rough Plan 2002 for the summer are complete. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, the Operations report, including the financial statements and the General Manager's report, was approved. The next Board meeting will be set after confirmation of available dates of Board members. It was noted that Anne Stevenson's e-mail address has been changed. There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned. __________________________ _____________________________ Emily Addison, President Anne Stevenson, Secretary --- Trent Radio BoD Meeting 21 April 2002 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING held at Trent Radio House, 715 George St. N., Peterborough, Ontario on 21 April 2002 at 3:00pm. P R E S E N T: Emily Addison, Laura Farina, Kim Fielding, Al Kirkcaldy, Anne Stevenson, & Ryder Ziola. R E G R E T S: Ellen Waterman. Also Present: Barb Woolner, Programme Director; Miriam Stucky, Studio C Committee Chair; and John K. Muir, General Manager. Notice of this meeting having been made to all the Directors, and all of the Directors being present in person or by phone, the meeting was declared duly constituted and called to order at 3:00 p.m., with Emily Addison acting as Chair and Anne Stevenson acting as Secretary. Chair's Opening Remarks: It was noted that this would be the last meeting before the summer season. The President thanked the General Manager for the web copy of the meeting package. It was noted that Ellen Waterman had sent her regrets upon the confirmation of the meeting date. The minutes of the previous Board meeting, held on 13 March 2002, were presented. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, the minutes of the previous Board of Directors' meeting, held on 13 March 2002, were approved unanimously. COMMITTEE REPORTS: The President noted the importance of sending a written report via email prior to the meeting for Trent Radio's long term records of committee activity and to aid the secretary. Physical Plant and Technical Resources: Anne Stevenson mentioned that there might be interest in painting the porch near the end of the summer. It was noted by the General Manager that this would need to be done by August 15th, as paint does not do so well when applied in cooler weather. It was also noted that Glen Caradus was keen to look after the garden. Publicity: It was noted that the "Year in Review" edition of Trout Rodeo was complete, and available. Sponsorship and Earned Revenue: Al Kirkcaldy presented his report (see attached). Board Development: It was noted that a very successful Board Development session was run by Ryder Ziola with the General Manager providing information on boards in general and on Trent Radio. Social Convener: Laura Farina organized a bowling event for 6 April, 2002. It was noted that this seemed to be an excellent time as children of some programmers were able to attend as well as adults. It was noted that there will be special programming for a Graduation open house. Live Music/Fundraising: It was noted that a Bake Sale was held which raised $49.75. Trent University and Neighbourhood Relations: Emily Addison presented her report (see attached). UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, the committee reports were accepted. Studio C: Miriam Stucky presented the Studio C committee final report. The board discussed the report and congratulations were given to Miriam and the committee for a job well done. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, the Studio C committee final report was accepted and the Trillium grant proposal approved via email by the Board members was ratified. There was no business arising. OPERATIONS REPORT: The Programme Director presented her report (see attached). The Programme Director was heartily thanked for her efforts during the year and fabulous fall/winter programming seasons. The General Manager presented the financial statements prepared by the Bookkeeper for the period ending 31 March 2002. It was noted that the General Manager was laid off effective 12 April 2002 due to the lack of funds. It was confirmed that a $70 stipend will be paid weekly for the remainder of the financial year. Although a recurring practice in good faith during the past several years due to the debt repayment, it was noted that Trent Radio would need to begin paying salaries in full now that the mortgage was paid off. Trent Radio's financial situation was discussed. Due to the early debt retirement, Trent Radio has less money for the summer season. There is also no confirmed tenant to take over the rent of the apartment for May 1st. Although not the optimal situation for Trent Radio to be in, it was noted that this was not a large concern and it was decided that a $10,000 cash advance from Trent University would be requested in order to cover the summer season, a practice commonly used by Trent Radio. It was noted that Al Kirkcaldy will be a member of the General Manager's contract committee. Ellen Waterman will also be asked if she would be interested. Sarah Duncey did a fabulous job this year as the OSWAP student responsible for cleaning Trent Radio. The summer planning meeting, held just prior to the Board meeting, was quite successful and it looks like there will be programming most evenings during the summer season. It was decided that Ryder Ziola would be a member of the Summer Hiring Committee along with the General Manager and the Programme Director. The anonymous donor of the new coffee machine left outside of Trent Radio House was thanked. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, the Operations report, including the Programme Director's report, financial statements, confirmation of the General Manager's layoff, and the General Manager's report, was approved unanimously. Al Kirkcaldy was confirmed as a additional signing officer for the summer months with Anne Stevenson and Ryder Ziola being in Alberta, and if Emily Addison is not in Peterborough. The next Board meeting will be held between 17-21 June, 2002, with another meeting at the end of August. It was noted that Ellen Waterman will be informed of Trent Radio's summer financial situation and other items arising at this meeting. Al Kirkcaldy and the General Manager discussed the possible donation of 50 CDs by a record label as a fundraiser. The Board was thanked for holding the meeting in Studio B in order to make the phone meeting possible. There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned. __________________________ _____________________________ Emily Addison, President Anne Stevenson, Secretary --- Trent Radio BoD Meeting 19 June 2002 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING held at Trent Radio House, 715 George St. N., Peterborough, Ontario on 19 June 2002 at 7:00pm. P R E S E N T: Emily Addison, Laura Farina & Al Kirkcaldy. R E G R E T S: Kim Fielding, Anne Stevenson, Ellen Waterman & Ryder Ziola. Also Present: Nick Iszakovits, Summer Programme Coordinator and John K. Muir, General Manager. Notice of this meeting having been made to all the Directors, but a quorum of Directors not being present, the meeting was called to order and declared not duly constituted 7:05 p.m., with Emily Addison acting as Chair and Secretary. It was noted that the minutes of this meeting and any motions made thereat would be put before the Board at its meeting to regularise any business conducted at this meeting. The minutes of the previous Board meeting, held on 21 April 2002, were presented. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, the minutes of the previous Board of Directors' meeting, held on 21 April 2002, were approved unanimously. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Publicity: In the absence of Ellen Waterman, the Directors read her report. (see attached). Ellen was thanked for all of her contributions to the Board and her resignation was accepted with regret with good luck for her new position at the University of Guelph. It was noted that the Board will look for a candidate to fill the position of Director. Sponsorship and Earned Revenue: Al Kirkcaldy presented his report (see attached). Social Convenor: Laura Farina thanked Barb Woolner, Emily Addison and Nick Iszakovits for their involvement with what was a very successful graduation broadcast on 31 May 2002. It was noted that although there weren't visitors to the station, that talk around town was heard Saturday with people mentioning the broadcast. Well done! Business Arising: The president noted that a submission was given to the yearbook committee including both photographs and written commentary. The General Manager noted that the Introweek guide submission was complete. CSIRP has requested that Trent Radio prepare six technical articles at $100 each. Trent Radio hopes that this will be a fundraising project. OPERATIONS REPORT: The Summer Programme Coordinator presented his report (see attached). It was noted, that the Summer Programme Coordinator believed Trent Radio to be in compliance with their CRTC broadcast licence. The General Manager presented the Financial Statements prepared by the Bookkeeper for the period ending 30 April 2002. It was noted that the Bookkeeper had previously said that the month end of May would be the only month that she could not do due to other commitments. The General Manager presented his report (see attached). UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, the Operations report, including the Summer Programme Coordinator's report, the Financial Statements, and the General Manager's report, was approved unanimously. The next Board meeting will be held between 27 August 2002, with possible location of Irondale. It was noted that Emily Addison, would fill-in as a member of the General Manager's Contract Committee as Ellen Waterman has resigned from the Board, and will be leaving town soon.. There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned. __________________________ _____________________________ Emily Addison, President A. N. Other, Board Member like who was there, eh? --- Trent Radio BoD Meeting 12 September 2002 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING held at Trent Radio House, 715 George St. N., Peterborough, Ontario on 12 September 2002 at 7:15pm. P R E S E N T: Emily Addison, Laura Farina, Al Kirkcaldy, Anne Stevenson, Kim Fielding, Ryder Ziola Also Present: John K. Muir, General Manager, Joel Buxton Notice of this meeting having been made to all the Directors, and all of the Directors being present in person, the meeting was declared duly constituted and called to order at 7:15 p.m., with Emily Addison acting as Chair and Anne Stevenson acting as Secretary. The minutes of the previous board meeting were presented. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, the minutes of the previous Board of Directors' meeting, held on 19 June 2002, were approved and all motions from this previous meeting which was not duly constituted to due to a lack of quorum were regularized. Chair's Opening Remarks: The Chair welcomed back the Board after an extended summer break. The Chair introduced Joel Buxton who is willing to stand for appointment to the Board. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, Joel Buxton was appointed as a Member of the Board of Directors until the next Annual General Meeting. COMMITTEE REPORTS: General Manager Contract Committee: Emily Addison and Al Kirkcaldy presented the proposed amendments to the GM contract of employment. It was reported that there had been extensive discussions by all parties. The was some discussion among the Board relating to concerns for General Manager's decisions to waive salary amounts. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, the amendments to the General Manager's contract of employment were approved as presented. Physical Plant and Technical: See General Manager's report. Publicity: No report due to Ellen Waterman's resignation. Sponsorship and Earned Revenue: Al Kirkcaldy presented his report filled with good news. A number of new sponsorships have been taken out, and old ones renewed. Several businesses were recommended for approach. The General Manager suggested that 16 week sponsorships could begin at any time during the season and carry through rather than having to begin at the start of the seasons. It was also noted that Al requested Trent Radio business cards to further aid in his dealings. Social Convenor: No report was made but the suggestion of a forthcoming social event was made for October 9th or 10th. Board Development: No report was presented. Live Music and Fundraising: It was noted that the summer season's Live Music Day was very successful and sales of $16.15 were raised for the station. Trent University and Neighbourhood Relations: Ongoing efforts are being made to obtain the exact number of full time students attending Trent through Trent Radio's auditor. It was noted that a response to Trent Radio's suggestion of an audit was sent from Trent University. An audit was deemed an appropriate action by the board. Efforts will be made to see it come to fruition. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried, all committee reports were accepted. Business Arising: It was noted to the Board's regret that Ellen and the Waterman family have moved to Guelph. Again - the best of luck. CSIRP has requested six technical reports at $100 from Trent Radio. The deadline is 30 September2002 and it is hope that this will be a fundraising activity for the station. OPERATIONS REPORT: The General Manager presented the financial statements prepared by the Bookkeeper for the fiscal year ended 31 August 2002. The General Manager's report was presented (see attached). Also, It was noted that the locks at Trent Radio were changed during the summer shut down as is the practice every 3-5 years. The office was cleaned along with all of the other physical plant and technical. It was noted that the shingles on the roof are new 25-year shingles and the building had not been painted on the exterior since 1985 so the past summer had been quite a 'physical plant' summer for Trent Radio. It was noted that Mike Fielding is volunteering on a weekly basis at Trent Radio. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, the Operations report, including the financial statements, the Summer Programmer Coordinator's report, and the General Manager's report, was approved. Any Other Business: Upon recommendation by the General Manager, the Board requests that the General Manager approach TISPOC about them looking after their own financial matters as the project linking TISPOC and Trent Radio is not to happen in the near future. It was noted that Emily Addison, Ryder Ziola, Anne Stevenson, and Laura Farina will comprise the Nominating Committee with the advice of the Programme Director. The next board meeting will be held Monday, September 30, 2002 There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned. __________________________ ___________________________ Emily Addison, President Anne Stevenson, Secretary --- UNAPPROVED Trent Radio Annual General Meeting 25 November 2001 MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING held at the Peter Robinson College "Squash Court" George Street North, Peterborough, Ontario, 25 November at 2pm. P R E S E N T: Emily Addison, John Muir, Barb Woolner, Glen Caradus, Miriam Stucky, Neal Simard, Al Kirkcaldy, Nick Currie, Laura Farina, William Bain, Paul Cleveland, Kim Fielding, Anne Stevenson, Ellen Waterman and Ryder Ziola. R E G R E T S: Nammi Poorooshasb. Notice of this Meeting having been duly posted according to the Bylaws of the Corporation on the 13th day of November 2001, a copy of said Notice being attached to the Minutes of this Meeting, and a quorum of the Membership being present in person, the meeting was called to order and declared duly constituted with Emily Addison, President of the Corporation, acting as Chair, and Neal Simard acting as Secretary of the meeting. A proposed agenda was distributed with the Annual Report, and with some amendments, was agreed upon. Introductions were made for those present. The minutes of the previous Aunnual General Meeting were read by the Membership present. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried, the minutes of the last meeting of members held on the 19 November 2000 were approved. Then followed the presentation of the Annual Report of the Corporation, including reports of the following Committees, Staff and Officers; Social Convener's Report - Emily Addison on behalf of Darryl Leroux (see attached) Publicity Report - Emily Addison on behalf of Reuben Mann (see attached) Communications Report - Miriam Stucky (see attached) Membership and Fundraising Report - John Muir (see attached) As well as the written report, it was noted that there are concerns that some monies for student membership fees may not have been received from the university within approximately the past five years. This will continue to be 'looked into'. Sponsorship and Earned Revenue Report - Al Kirkcaldy (see attached) Physical Plant Report - Glen Caradus (see attached) Ways and Means Report - Emily Addison (see attached) "Studio C" Project Report - Miriam Stucky (see attached) Programme Director's Report - Barb Woolner (see attached) Along with the written report, it was noted that programming continues to become stronger and stronger, as do programme proposals. Part of the change this year may be due to the new programming proposal form. It was also noted that students had less flexibility in their schedules this fall which required a change in schedule layout. This may be related due to the fact that less students have classes downtown and therefore cannot 'drop by' as easily between classes to do a show. General Manager's Report - John Muir (see attached) Relating to the written report, it was noted Trent Radio might be 'Trent University's representative' on the TISA Heritage Canada digital ingest project. A thank you was also made to Joan and John Reeves who spoke on Trent Radio's behalf at the Ontario Municipal Board Hearing while the General Manager was at CHMA in New Brunswick this fall helping out that station. It was also noted that Trent Radio has a new Bookkeeper as the previous Bookkeeper had to withdraw for health reasons. The new Bookkeeper and the General Manager have meetings booked into May. President's Report - Emily Addison (see attached) Relating to the written report, the President stressed the overwhelming positive year that Trent Radio experienced due to Managing and Programming leadership. Only one such example was the General Manager receiving a place in Peterborough's Pathway to Fame under 'community betterment'. The President thanked both the past year's Board as well as Trent Radio's staff for their wonderful work in making a very successful year. Discussion followed. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried, it was resolved that the Annual Report be accepted as presented. Presentation of the Financial Statements for one year ended 31 August 2001 with an Independent Financial Review. The Financial Review was presented for the corporation for the fiscal year ended 31 August 2001, as prepared by McColl Turner Chartered Accountants, the auditors of the Corporation, consisting of a statement of the Financial Position, a Schedule of Changes of Net Assets, a Statement of Operations, a Statement of Changes in Cash Position, and Notes to the Financial Statements - dated 14 November 2001. Discussion followed. It was noted that past student levy numbers were continuing to be investigated by the Trent Central Student Association and Trent Radio will be kept apprised of the situation as it progresses. There was also a question of whether Trent Radio had a plan for optimum sizing of the entire operation and it was noted that the "Studio C" Committee was in the process of considering this as part of its mandate. Relating to that point, it was noted that Trent Radio has overlying philosophies 'built into it' such as it's Aims and Objectives, By-laws, CRTC Regulations, etc. which have guided it well in the past and to which it must adhere. It was also significantly noted that two long term debts were paid off this year - the National Trust Company first mortgage loan, and the Bank of Montreal demand loan - at the expense of employment contract obligations. This means that Trent Radio no longer owes any external entity monies other than the contract obligation. It was suggested that, with the complete payment of these two long-term debts, contract obligations could be rightfully honoured in coming years. It was noted that volunteers contribute a significant number of hours per year (opinions vary, however, 25,000 hours per year would be a conservative estimate) to assist Trent Radio is carrying on its activities. Nevertheless, because of the difficulty of determining their fair value, contributed services are not recognised in the financial statements of the corporation. [Relating to this conversation, it was made clear that the staff at Trent Radio is very valuable and that salary structure should be examined in the next year or two. This came to especial light when it was noted that all salaries paid by Trent Radio to its' two full time employees, all of the OSWP positions and to the summer programme coordinator combined is approximately a third of what the top position at Trent is paid!] UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried, the previously cited Financial Statements of the Corporation for the fiscal year ended 31 August 2001, consisting of a statement of the Financial Position, a Schedule of Changes of Net Assets, a Statement of Operations, a Statement of Changes in Cash Position, and Notes to the Financial Statements, as prepared by McColl Turner Chartered Accountants, the auditors of the Corporation, dated 14 November 2001 - were approved. Motion to confirm all resolutions of the Board. All Board Minutes since the previous AGM were made available to the Membership at the meeting, in addition to being available to the general public on the Trent Radio website throughout the year. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried, it was resolved that all resolutions and acts of the Board since the last AGM held on 19 November 2000 as set out in the Minutes of Directors and the Corporation or in the Annual Report of the Corporation submitted to this meeting were approved and confirmed by the Membership. Report of the Nominating Committee and Election of the Directors The President reported that, as provided by the bylaws of Trent Radio, the Nominating Committee had brought forward the names of seven Nominees for consideration by the Membership to fill the seven vacancies of the Board. Acting on behalf of the Secretary, the General Manager reported that no other nominations had been received, as provided by the bylaws of the corporation. The President reminded the Members that the bylaws of Trent Radio provided that: Members of the Board of Directors shall be at all times, Canadian citizens, except when seen to be of exceptional benefit to Trent Radio and its direction, and an application for their membership is made to the Government of Canada. A majority of the Board shall be enrolled students of Trent University. Board members must be eighteen years of age or older. The President reported that all Nominees are Canadian citizens, and have achieved the age requirements and that a majority of the nominees were enrolled as students at Trent University. The Nominees then introduced themselves. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried unanimously it was resolved that the report of the Nomination Committee be accepted and that the Nominees presented, namely; Emily Addison, Laura Farina, Kim Fielding, Al Kirkcaldy, Anne Stevenson, Ellen Waterman & Ryder Ziola, be appointed to the Board of Directors of the Corporation and shall be considered duly elected to represent the Corporation and to hold office until next annual election of Directors subject to provisions and bylaws of the Corporation. Any other business: UPON a motion duly made, seconded and carried the reappointment of McColl Turner Chartered Accountants, to continue as the Corporations auditors was approved. It was noted that the Radio Marathon, along with the End of Season gathering and a mortgage burning party will occur 14 December 2001. There being no further business the Annual General Meeting of Members was adjourned. --------------------------- --------------------------- Emily Addison - President Neal Simard - Secretary --- Trent Radio BoD Meeting 07 November 2002 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING held at Trent Radio House, 715 George St. N., Peterborough, Ontario on 7 November 2002 at 7:00pm. P R E S E N T: Emily Addison, Joel Buxton, Laura Farina, Kim Fielding, Anne Stevenson, and Ryder Ziola. R E G R E T S: Al Kirkcaldy Also Present: John K. Muir, General Manager Notice of this meeting having been made to all the Directors, the meeting was declared duly constituted and called to order at 7:05 p.m., with Emily Addison acting as Chair and Anne Stevenson acting as Secretary. Chair's Opening Remarks: Emily Addison thanked Al Kirkcaldy for emailing prior to the meeting about employment commitments that would keep him from attending the meeting. The minutes of the previous board meeting were presented. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, the minutes of the previous Board of Directors' meeting, held on 30 Sept 2002, were approved unanimously. President's Report: It was noted that the Letter of Agreement has been signed between Trent Radio and the Trillium Foundation. The President and GM attended a meeting held by the Trillium Foundation in regards to reporting policies. Trent Radio has received the first instalment of funding. A press release regarding Trillium grant has been written and widely distributed. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Physical Plant and Technical: The Trent Radio house continues to look beautiful. Publicity: No report was made. Sponsorship and Earned Revenue: It was noted that all anticipated sponsorships have been received. Social Convenor: An Open House has been planned for 13 November 2002. Highlights will include a focus on programmers and local musicians as well as loot bags. The Open House will also include an interview with the General Manager regarding the Trillium grant. Procedure for food-costs reimbursement was discussed. 13 December 2002 was tentatively set for the end-of-season party. Board Development: A meeting between Ryder Ziola and the GM will be arranged to discuss a pre-AGM prep session for the Board. Live Music and Fundraising: There was no report. Trent University and Neighbourhood Relations: The President and the General Manager of Trent Radio met with the Executive Director and VP of finance from the TCSA 27 October 2002. It was noted that the TSCA proposed and passed a resolution to join ranks with Trent Radio in the effort to receive proper reporting from the university in terms of student levy monies. Research will be completed prior the two parties approaching the university to begin amicable discussions. It is hoped that Don Jackett, Trent Radio's auditor, will be able to act as an advisor during this period. Kim Fielding went on the record as having a possible conflict of interest being a member of the Finance Committee for the Board of Governors of Trent University and a member of Trent Radio's Board of Directors. It was suggested that the JBCSA be approached to participate in the levy discussion to represent the interests of the part- time students. It was noted that the General Manager had been elected President of CSIRP. The Board offered their congratulations and the GM affirmed his loyalty to Trent Radio should a conflict of interest arise from his new position. Nominating Committee: As provided by the By Laws of Trent Radio, the Nominating Committee shall submit nominations to fill vacancies of the Board for consideration by the membership at the Annual General Meeting. The Nominees are; Emily Addison, Joel Buxton, Laura Farina, Kim Fielding, Al Kirkcaldy, Anne Stevenson, and Ryder Ziola. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried, the committee reports were approved. Business Arising: Business cards for the Sponsorship Director, Programme Director and General Manager are completed. Six articles have been submitted by Trent Radio to CSIRP. Payment should be forthcoming. Mechanical problems arising from a recent hacking of Trent Radio's internet stream computer have lead to the instalment of a new machine that cannot be hacked. It was noted that new Ogg streams have been established. The aerial providing the stream will be moved to Pipcom's roof for an even better internet stream quality. OPERATIONS REPORT: The financial statements to 30 September 2002 were presented. General Manager's Report: Two radio license applications have been made to the CRTC for the Peterborough area. It was noted that a Trent Radio lead Audio Soup session would be occurring in Guelph 9-10 November 2002. Purchase practices for Studio C equipment were discussed. A job description for the data infestation position will be drawn up shortly. Interviews will be scheduled for January. The malfunctioning of the on-air phone was discussed and action will be taken shortly to remedy the problem. The President and General Manager have submitted Trent Radio's financial information to 31 August 2002 for financial review. It was noted that the General Manager would hold a $2000 advance for major purchases relating to the Trillium Foundation. This will be paid back once major buying is completed. The transmitter continues to experience minor problems that will be dealt with as required. Concern was noted relating to the Arthur's perception of Trent Radio. After being contacted by both phone and email regarding Trent Radio's Trillium grant, there was absolutely no mention in the Arthur, the latest example of Trent Radio's attempt to be covered in the paper. The President will approach the full-time editor once he returns from sick leave regarding the Trent Radio - Arthur relationship and possible future publications of the schedule, etc. The board expressed concern for the continued extreme overwork by the General Manager. The Board requested that the General Manager take at least one day off in the next week and begin to work more reasonable hours, not allowing the position to consume all of his time. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, the Operations report was approved. Any Other Business: It was noted that Trevor Alderdice, Trent Radio volunteer, passed away suddenly on 1 November 2002 in a car accident. The board sends their condolences to both family and friends and shares in their loss. Trevor's contributions to Trent Radio were many and most appreciated. It was noted that Trevor had provided for Trent Radio within his estate. Friends of Trevor and Trent Radio are preparing a proposal for an environmental-based lecture series to be brought in front of the board. It was noted that AGM reports are due by 16 November 2002. The next board meeting will be held Sunday, November 24th at 12pm, with the AGM to follow shortly after at 2pm. There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned. __________________________ _____________________________ Emily Addison, President Anne Stevenson, Secretary