Trent Radio BoD 24 November 2002 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING held on Sunday, 24 November 2002 at the Junior Common Room at Peter Robinson College, Trent University, 751 George Street North. P R E S E N T: Emily Addison, Joel Buxton, Laura Farina, Al Kirkcaldy, Anne Stevenson, and Ryder Ziola. R E G R E T S: Kim Fielding ALSO PRESENT: John Muir, General Manager INFORMAL INTRODUCTIONS Board Members introduced and greeted each other APPOINTMENT OF INTERIM POSITIONS UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, it was resolved that, Emily Addison continue as Chair and President, and Anne Stevenson continue as Secretary and Treasurer until the next regular Board meeting. It was noted that Signing officers shall remain the same. It was noted that bios from Board Members should be forthcoming. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, it was resolved that the amount of approximately $4500 recently discovered as owing to Trent Radio by Trent University be paid out to the General Manager. It was noted that this is in accord with a Board resolution 12Sep02 The date of the next Board Meeting was set for Thursday, 04 Dec 2002. There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:30pm. ___________________________ ___________________________ Emily Addison President Anne Stephenson, Secretary