Trent Radio BoD Meeting 23 January 2003 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING held at Trent Radio House, 715 George St. N., Peterborough, Ontario on 23 January 2003 at 7:00pm P R E S E N T: Emily Addison, Joel Buxton, Laura Farina, Al Kirkcaldy Anne Stevenson, and Ryder Ziola. R E G R E T S: Kim Fielding Also Present: John K. Muir, General Manager Notice of this meeting having been made to all the Directors, the meeting was declared duly constituted and called to order at 7:10 p.m., with Emily Addison acting as Chair and Anne Stevenson acting as Secretary. The minutes of the previous Board meeting were presented. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, the minutes of the previous Board of Directors' meetings, held on 24 Nov 2002, were approved unanimously. A brief run down of the Board's function and mandate was provided by the General Manager. The need for new Board member bios was reiterated and a due date for 30 January 2003 was set. A brief overview of committee and officer roles was given. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, it was resolved that Ryder Ziola be appointed Chair and President. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, it was resolved that Laura Farina be appointed Vice Chair. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, it was resolved that Joel Buxton be appointed as Secretary. UPON a motion duly made seconded and carried unanimously, it was resolved that, John K. Muir be confirmed as General Manager and Vice-President and Sue Newman be confirmed as Bookkeeper. At the this time, Emily Addison stepped down and Ryder Ziola acted as Chair of the meeting. It was noted that both Emily Addison and Anne Stevenson will assist Joel Buxton in taking on the role of Secretary. Discussion followed regarding committee work and appointing chairs. After a brief discussion, it was decided that due to their overlapping jurisdictions, the StudioC and Physical Plant & Technical Committees would amalgamate into one. The possibility of combining Board Development and Social Convener was also discussed. It was noted that there was a high level of interest for the possibility of a summer camp which has left high hopes for its rapid development. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, the following appointments were approved; Kim Fielding - Chair of Membership and Fundraising Committee; Anne Stevenson - Social Convenor & Chair of the Board Development Committee; Al Kirkcaldy - Chair of the Sponsorship and Earned Revenue Committee; Ryder Ziola - Chair of the Trent University and Community Relations Committee; Laura Farina - Chair of the Publicity Committee; Joel Buxton - Chair of Physical Plant and Technical Committee which includes StudioC and to the AudioSoup Committee; and Laura Farina - Chair of the Summer Radio Camp Committee. It was noted that a Board member orientation package needs to be prepared for Joel Buxton. It was decided that Board meetings will regularly take place on the third Thursday of every month (e.g. 27 February; 20 March; 24 April) pending Kim Fielding's availability. It was also noted that a tentative date for the next Annual General Meeting is 23 November 2003. OPERATIONS REPORT Sponsorship report: Al Kirkcaldy presented a report of the current sponsorship situation. Possible acknowledgements for long term sponsors, including plaques, were discussed. The success of the entra-season Christmas programming was also mentioned and thanks was given to Al for all of his hard work. The financial statements to 31 December 2002 was presented. It was noted that the balance sheet was in good order, however the amounts for Rent and Miscellaneous Services needed to be queried. The GM agreed to do so. It was also noted that Trillium Funds were being shown as current liability. It was noted that the position of Digital Ingest Clerk had not been filled to date. The GM presented his report (see attached). It was reported that the Programme Director has given notice of her intention to leave Trent Radio at the end of her current contract. The Board appreciates all her hard work over the past nine years and the advance notice of her intention to leave. Discussion followed regarding the need to recruit a new Program Director and it was decided that a job description will be ready for posting by 01Mar03. It was noted that in accord with a Board resolutions passed on 12Sep02 and 24Nov02, a payment in the amount of $4537.35 to the General Manager. It was reported that the Trent Radio home page website counter, which has had 2,300 hits since it was set up on 08Dec02. It was noted that Terry Ethridge had completed some repairs at Trent Radio including the building of a railing for the porch entrance. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, the Operations report was approved and accepted. It was noted that Trent Radio's new signing officers, including Joel Buxton, Laura Farina, Al Kirkcaldy, John Muir and Ryder Ziola would meet at the Bank of Montreal the following morning at 9:45 a.m.. The next Board meeting was set for 27 February 2003. There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00pm. ___________________________________ ________________________________ Ryder Ziola, President Anne Stevenson