Trent Radio BoD 30 August 2004 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING held on Monday, 30 August 2004 at StudioC, Trent Radio House, 715 George Street North, Peterborough, Ontario. P R E S E N T: Al Kirkcaldy, James Kerr, Kim Fielding and Kristine Williams R E G R E T S: none Also present: John Muir, General Manager Laurel Paluck, Programme Director Karolyn Newby Notice of this meeting having been made to all the Directors, and a majority being present, the meeting was declared duly constituted and called to order at 7:11 p.m., with James Kerr as acting as Chair and Kristine Williams as Secretary. An agenda was agreed upon and discussion followed. 01. The minutes of the previous Board meeting were presented. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, the minutes of the previous Board of Directors' meetings, held on 19 April 2004, were approved as amended. 02. Business Arising It was agreed that a thank you should be sent out to previous Board Members. 03. Committee Reports It was reported that the Folk Fest Fundraiser raised $190 for Trent Radio. Sponsorships: ideas/suggestions welcome Laurel Paluck has some ideas "Have You Seen?" might be interested Red Dog is now a precarious sponsorship Studio C: possible recording of a band as an added source of revenue; suggested date first reading week (Oct04) UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded, and carried unanimously the committee reports were accepted as presented. Operations Report - GM 20 weeks support from HRDC for SCPs: 16 week placement for SPC, 8 weeks for TIC (Tourist Info Coordinator), and 8 weeks for Fundraising and Sponsorship Support Tourist Information Coordinator (TIC): "enhanced" Smooth Operator - community announcements with the addition of in-depth interviews. The fundraising position expense was about $2,400, and brought in about $3,500 Antenna/Transmitter replacement: By year-end 31st August, $18,000 has been raised towards the anticipated expenditure of $60,000. At year end, disbursements for this project were about $36,000, with the other $18,000 coming from operating revenues. Once the current Trillium grant is finished, we will apply for capitlal funding. The telephone system fell apart and was replaced for $2,500 The Board will receive a budget for consideration at the end of October 2004. Summer Operations Report - SPC Emily McClung Highlights: for next year: the TIC position is definitely recommended for next year, while the Fundraising & Sponsorship position should be better organised throughout the academic year in preparation for next summer. It was noted that the Summer Operations reports were very well-written UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, the Operations Reports were accepted. Other Business The Chair brought forward names for the Board to consider for appointment to the Board. Discussion followed, UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, Karolyn Newby, Anne Stephenson & Gord deVilliers were appointed to the Board until the next Annual General Meeting. Summer Radio Camp - A written report pending Jill Staveley, Yvonne Lai, & John Muir were thanked for their assistance at the 27 August 2004 Alumni event of the previous weekend; $200 given from Alumni Assoc. to Trent Radio to supply and operation of sound equipment. It was noted that the next Meeting is scheduled for 5:30pm on 27 Sep 2004, at StudioC, Trent Radio House Meeting adjourned at 8:40pm ________________________________ ______________________________ James Kerr, President & Chair Kristine Williams, Secretary