Trent Radio BoD 01 November 2004 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING held on Monday, 01 November 2004 at StudioC, Trent Radio House, 715 George Street North, Peterborough, Ontario. P R E S E N T: James Kerr, Gord deVillers, Karolyn Newbie, Kim Fielding, Reuben Maan, Kristine Williams, Al Kirkcaldy R E G R E T S: Anne Stephenson Also present: John Muir, General Manager Notice of this meeting having been made to all the Directors, and a majority being present, the meeting was declared duly constituted and called to order with James Kerr as acting as Chair and Kristine Williams as Secretary. An agenda was agreed upon and discussion followed. 01. The minutes of the previous Board meeting were presented. It was noted that Gord's surname is spelled corrected to "deVillers." UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, the minutes of the previous Board of Directors' meetings, held on 27 September 2004, were approved as amended. 02. Business Arising: The budget report was deferred because the TrentU website was down all weekend. 03. Nominating Committee and 21 Nov 04 AGM Planning: It was noted that a final list of nominees is to be submitted on Sun, 07 Nov 04, such that proper notice can be prepared and executed. UPON A MOTION duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, the year's nominating committee shall be Laurel Paluck, Reuben Maan, Karolyne Newby, with James Kerr acting as committee chair. 04 Other Committee: There were no reports 05 Operations Report: It was noted that the eject button on CD #2 in StudioA was "sticky", and that the stand for Mic #2 needs to be tightened. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 5:45pm. ________________________________ ______________________________ James Kerr, President & Chair Kristine Williams, Secretary